Monday, March 12, 2012

Pregnancy loss

Well in staying true to writing about our journey I unfortunately need to write this post. I miss carried this week. One day after coming home from Disneyworld. This has been the hardest thing I have ever experienced in my life and hope its a one time thing. I'm heartbroken and am ready for this to be over. I was almost ten weeks, and there is no explanation as to why it happened. All I can say is it did and it sucks. I was in no way prepared for this and had no idea how hard it is emotionally and physically. Luckily I have a amazing husband that has been my rock thru this. I am so grateful that he is my partner in life. This is hard but we will get thru this. Even though this is a horrible event in my life I still can say that I love my life and my family. My daughters amazing and so is my husband. I didn't realize how much the name of my blog would have such a direct meaning of how we have to look at life until this week. We have decided to try to conceive again immediately so the journey continues and we are taking things one day at a time.

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